Kimiko Does Cancer tells the story of a young, queer, mixed-race woman’s experience with the...
Captures both the vulnerabilities and the resiliencies of the convergence between feelings about...
A writer’s narrative of metastatic cancer and dying in a foreign land, while being with friends,...
An artist’s cancer journey with a supporting cast made up of her partner and four legged...
Narrates the impacts of ovarian cancer, the challenges to gender of making a decision about...
Anthology of health care stories from queer and trans individuals, including stories of cancer...
A summary from the 'Live Through This' website (
A UK-based website and charity for queer cancer advocacy and support with resources (e.g. online...
Describes how nearly 1 in 5 LGB women who are eligible for cervical cancer screenings have never had...
Not LGBTQ2+ specific but has LGBTQ support group (California).