Advice for dealing with cancer diagnosis, and services available to trans people & unique...
Information about breast cancer risk. Summarizes research on testosterone therapy, binding, and...
Provides a brief overview of some of the unique cancer risks faced by trans people. As well, this...
Outlines what is known about prostate cancer in trans women. Includes risk factors and screening...
Clickbaity title (more at risk because less screening) but includes stories of the healthcare...
A memorial fund hosted by the 519 (Toronto). Open to all queer and trans people in Ontario who are...
A real-life story of a trans couple's experience with oral cancer and the loss of a partner.
An introduction to a short film documentary about two transmasculine individuals, one with breast...
Report on breast and cervical screening among trans Ontarians. The Trans PULSE Project (Ontario) was...
This project aims to provide support and community for transgender cancer patients, and to...