The Sexual and Gender Diversity in Cancer Care e-learning module (free)

This interactive e-learning tool from the team at Princess Margaret (Toronto) will teach you key concepts related to sexual and gender diverse cancer care. You can practice your communication skills with patient avatars.

Key concepts:

1: Pronouns

  • To learn about different types of pronouns and what they mean
  • To learn the meanings of the terms; heteronormativity, non binary, cisgender and gender spectrum
  • To understand why and how pronouns relate to patient care
  • To learn how to ask about pronouns and how to recover if you make a mistake

2: Gender

  • To learn the differences between sex, gender, gender expression and different types of gender identities
  • To learn the meanings of the terms; cisgender, transgender, sex assigned at birth, gender fluid and intersectional identities
  • To understand why and how gender identities relate to patient care
  • To learn how to ask about gender identity and how to recover if you make a mistake
  • The terms sex, gender identity and gender expression are terms that are often confused.

3: Sexual orientation

  • To learn about different types of sexual orientations
  • To learn the meanings of the terms; 2SLGBTQIA+, homophobia,, transphobia, ally, and intersectional identities
  • To understand why and how sexual orientation relates to patient care
  • To learn how to ask about sexual orientation and how to recover if you make a mistake

4: Relationship diversity

  • To learn about different types of relationships, partnerships and chosen families
  • To learn the meanings of the terms; monogamous, consensual or ethical non monogamy, polyamorous and microaggression
  • To understand why and how diverse relationships relates to patient care
  • To learn how to ask about relationships and how to recover if you make a mistake