Kimiko Does Cancer tells the story of a young, queer, mixed-race woman’s experience with the...
Captures both the vulnerabilities and the resiliencies of the convergence between feelings about...
A writer’s narrative of metastatic cancer and dying in a foreign land, while being with friends,...
An artist’s cancer journey with a supporting cast made up of her partner and four legged...
Narrates the impacts of ovarian cancer, the challenges to gender of making a decision about...
The YouTube channel of Chris Hartley, a gay man with prostate cancer. Chris describes his initial...
Advice for trans people with breast cancer on making their cancer care team aware of their gender...
Write-up on a survey of oncologists, which found that, for the most part, they do not feel that they...
Information on disparities, risks, and opportunities for risk reduction
Video discussion of the issues facing cancer patients in the LGBTQ+ community.