Palliative Care

These videos are part of the Proud, Prepared, and Protected developed by people who identify as Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ and more than 40 organizations and Canadian Virtual Hospice.

Interviewees are Kimberley Acquaviva (she/her), Mono Brown (they/them), Katherine Kortes-Miller (she/her), Heather McCain (they/them) , Jade Sol (she/her), Alana Armstrong (she/her), Ellie Caslake (she/her), Christopher Little-Gagné (he/him), Albert McLeod and Aimee Taylor (she/her).

The interviewees discuss aspects of negotiating palliative and end of life care as a sexual and gender minority person. In this example, Aimee Taylor (who has been living with stage IV colon cancer for the better part of a decade) talks about how it feels when her wife isn’t recognized as her spouse.