What Pride month means to me

Robin Goode was 27 when she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. In this piece from ReThink Breast Cancer she shares her positive experiences with treatment and why we’re failing other members of the LGBTQ2+ community when it comes to cancer care:

Last year, the New York City Pride March was two days after round 3 of dose-dense Taxol. I was wiped, but I slid a rainbow wig onto my squeaky bald head, drew on some eyebrows, and rallied anyway. My partner and I stood on the sidewalk in Greenwich Village. Streamers fell to the ground around us, withering in the 90 degree NYC heat. I felt a similar withering throughout my exhausted body, but we stayed for as long as I could manage, holding hands and cheering as the streets flowed with thousands of people.

Read this story here &  you can find more from Robin here.